Terms of Employment

Terms of Employment

Obligation of the Employer to Provide the Worker with Written Information on the Terms and Conditions of their EmploymentThe Minimum Information that must be Included in the Written NotificationUnilateral Change Prejudicing Working Conditions: An Employer CANNOT Unilaterally Change a Worker’s Agreed Terms and Conditions of Work (Hours, Salary, Place of Work)Probationary Period

The Minimum Information that must be Included in the Written Notification


The employer is obligated to notify each employee in writing within 7 days from the beginning of employment of the following information (primary essential conditions for employment):

  • the identity particulars of the employer and the employee;
  • the place where work is to be performed, or the registered office of the enterprise, or the employer’s residential address if the place of work is not fixed or is chosen by the worker, with explicit reference to the variability of the place of work;
  • the worker’s post or specialisation, grade, category or sector of employment, and a summary description of the subject-matter of their work;
  • the date on which the contract or employment relationship begins and ends, or its expected duration if it is a fixed-term employment relationship;
  • the duration and conditions of the probationary period, if one was agreed upon;
  • the earnings of any kind to which the worker is entitled, as well as the regularity and method of payment;
  • the length of employment of the working day or week, if the work pattern is entirely or mostly predictable, any arrangements and remuneration for overtime or additional work, and any arrangements for shift changes;
  • if the work patter is entirely or mostly unpredictable, the employer shall inform the worker about:
    • the principle that the working hours are variable, the number of guaranteed paid hours, and the remuneration for work performed in addition to those guaranteed hours;
    • the reference hours and days during which they may be required to work;
    • the minimum notice period that the worker must receive before starting a work assignment and, where applicable, the deadline within which the employer can cancel the work assignment.

Additionally, the employer is obligated to notify each employee in writing within 1 month from the beginning of employment of the following information (supplementary conditions for employment):

  • in the case of a temporary agency worker, the identity of the enterprise to which the worker is assigned, as soon as this becomes known;
  • the right to training provided by the employer, where there is such an obligation by law;
  • the duration of the paid leave to which the employee is entitled, and how and when it is to be granted;
  • the procedure to be followed by the employer and the worker in the event of termination of employment and, in particular, the obligation to give written notice, the notice periods, the determination of the amount of compensation and the existence of good cause, if required;
  • any collective bargaining agreements governing working conditions;
  • the social security institutions with which the worker is insured, as well as any other benefits from the employer relating to social security.

None of the above terms of the employment contract/relationship can be less favourable for the worker than those laid down in any relevant legislation or collective bargaining agreement.

In the event that the worker who normally provides their work in Greece is required to work in another Member State of the European Union or in a third country, the above documents shall be delivered before their departure and must contain at least the following additional information:

  1. the country or countries where the work is to be carried out and its expected duration;
  2. the currency in which their earnings are to be paid;
  3. allowances or benefits, whether in cash or in kind, associated with the assignment; and
  4. information on whether repatriation is provided for and, if so, the conditions governing repatriation.

In cases of secondment to an EU or EEA Member State or Switzerland, before departing, the worker shall also be informed in writing in relation to:

  1. the earnings to which the worker is entitled under the legislation in force in the Member State where the work is to be carried out;
  2. where provided for, the allowances related to secondment and the arrangements for reimbursement of travel, subsistence and accommodation expenses; and
  3. the official national website of the host Member State where the worker is to provide their work, through which they can learn about the terms and conditions of employment applicable to seconded workers.

The employer is required to notify the worker in writing of any change to the above terms and conditions of employment no later than the date the change is made.

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