Terms of Employment

Terms of Employment

Obligation of the Employer to Provide the Worker with Written Information on the Terms and Conditions of their EmploymentThe Minimum Information that must be Included in the Written NotificationUnilateral Change Prejudicing Working Conditions: An Employer CANNOT Unilaterally Change a Worker’s Agreed Terms and Conditions of Work (Hours, Salary, Place of Work)Probationary Period

Probationary Period


In the case of fixed-term work, the notice period must be proportionate to the expected duration and nature of the work and in no case may it exceed ¼ of the agreed total duration of employment and, in all cases, may not exceed six months. In the case of renewal of a contract or fixed-term employment relationship for the same post and the same duties, no new probationary period is allowed. In cases where an employee was absent from work during the probationary period due to illness or other reason that suspended the employment relationship, the employer is entitled to extend the probationary period by a proportionate period of time.

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