Terms of Employment

Terms of Employment

Obligation of the Employer to Provide the Worker with Written Information on the Terms and Conditions of their EmploymentThe Minimum Information that must be Included in the Written NotificationUnilateral Change Prejudicing Working Conditions: An Employer CANNOT Unilaterally Change a Worker’s Agreed Terms and Conditions of Work (Hours, Salary, Place of Work)Probationary Period

Obligation of the Employer to Provide the Worker with Written Information on the Terms and Conditions of their Employment


Under Law 5053/2023, the employer is obligated to inform the employee in writing about the essential terms of the contract or employment relationship, whether in hard copy or in electronic form. Please note that if the information is provided in electronic format, it must be possible for the worker to access the information and for the information to be stored and printed.

Information on the primary essential conditions of employment must be provided no later than 7 days after work has started, while information on the supplementary essential conditions of employment must be provided no later than one month after work has started.

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